Wednesday 7 October 2015


I can't imagine what it must be like to write a review on premiere release. Writing about a 2-hour-or-so long film that ambushes you with emotion, character names and a ever developing plotline even within an hour of seeing it is hard for me. I want to rewind, remember the quotes that made me feel something, the imagery that made me truly see and the characters that made me fall temporarily in love. I didn't have high expectations of the Intern, in fact I simply chose it because I didn't really want to see anything else at that moment in time, but it sort of transformed me in this temporary, slightly cliche way. Interning is something I'd like to say we have all experienced (well maybe not absolutely everyone), but it in itself is a transforming *right of passage*. Robert De Niro however, takes this role of intern in a never imagined route (perhaps in a romanticised sense because I'm sure interns have become friends with employees / bosses in the past). His beautifully real character floats through hundreds of characterising and sometimes challenging scenes. There were moments of the film, particularly towards the end, that just had me absolutely enveloped, completely at the directors mercy. It is something so very intriguing, the ability to create an emotional attachment with someone that isn't real and is very much temporary. Is this feeling alike to that imaginary friend you had when you were little? Or to the neighbour who plays nice music that you have never met?

I was having a downer on life, before watching this film. The weather wasn't great, the electricity had just cut out and I'd tried my very best to reset it but nothing was going right. The Intern is a feel-good film, but perhaps with a deeper meaning. I mean I wouldn't put it in the same realm as Bridesmaids (more of a chick flick feel-good), there was substance and realness that made you in that room with them, or feeling the breeze through the car window. It is movies like these that I am grateful for, they give me a temporary escape that I don't feel guilty about. A daydream, maybe?


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